un agencyの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Lee is the first South Korean to head a UN agency.
  2. These UN agencies directly contract with equipment suppliers and construction companies.
  3. Humanitarian organizations, including UN agencies, bring goods into Gaza.
  4. Piot is director of UNAIDS, the UN agency on the disease.
  5. UN agencies and nongovernmental aid groups moved into action quickly.


  1. "un 1982"の例文
  2. "un 242"の例文
  3. "un acadien errant"の例文
  4. "un action against sexual violence in conflict"の例文
  5. "un agencies"の例文
  6. "un agenda 21"の例文
  7. "un air de famille"の例文
  8. "un aliado en el tiempo"の例文
  9. "un alienable right"の例文
  10. "un aller simple"の例文
  11. "un action against sexual violence in conflict"の例文
  12. "un agencies"の例文
  13. "un agenda 21"の例文
  14. "un air de famille"の例文

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